We were in Simi Valley for the southern end of the mission. We heard from only three new missionaries but their testimonies were powerful. Hermana Morales was the only missionary leaving in January.
We had more time to talk about the different analogies in the Polar Express. It was such a treat to hear the thoughts of so many. Sister Felix put the thought in their minds to write down their version of the Polar Express with it being gospel centered.
The tables were decorated so festive. We enjoyed ham, potatoes, salad, rolls, a strawberry jello salad and either pumpkin or apple pie.
Elder & Sister Hardy, Elders Johnson, Kopaunik, Dewey, Harris
Elders Allison, Harvey, Hunter, Carter, Hoff, H. Davis,
Sisters Scott, Houseman
Elders Robins, Mecham, Anderson, Christenson, Huston, Heck, Allen
Elders McCurdy, Gardiner, Powell, Horman, Strom, DeGraw
Elders Swenson, Herrera Loya, Portillo, Taufatofua, Shumway
Elders Alder, Liddiard, Reeves, Pickett, Haslam, Marchant, Avalos, Hiltscher
Elders Hansen, Snider, Pierce, Rodriguez, Plummer, Leckbee, Judkins, Baker
Sister & Elder Cole, Elder & Sister Floyd, Elders K. Davis, Sila, Bunnage, Tanuvasa
Elders Richards, Morby, McLawhorn, Bates, Morgan, Kelly, Whatcott, Judd
Sisters Devitt, Baird, Sister & Elder Iverson, President Morffat, President & Sister Felix
Happy Birthday in November:
Elders Leckbee, Judd, Plummer, Hunter, Dewey
December birthdays: Elders Huston, Rodriguez, Portillo, Kopaunik, Herrera Loya
Getting ready to sing Called to Serve to thank the Simi Valley Stake Relief Society for preparing the lunch.
It was pretty amazing that out of 77, Elder Heck guessed 60 todler pictures correctly. It was really funny though that one of the missionaries did not know which picture was of him and it wasn't until I was calling out the names with the numbers he found out. Part of this activity was so that missionaries would get acquainted with each other.
Elder T introducing Santa (Elder Swenson)
Time for Santa jokes.
Hermanas Arkell and Mullloy singing the Ninety and Nine.
Elder Oakey's district treated us to a skit. These two missionaries were complaining because they didn't have anyone to teach. The Sisters walked by on their way to teaching as they had a busy schedule.
They were being robbed.
Elder Oakey holding the hat was being influenced by the Holy Ghost (dressed in a sheet) and off he went with the sisters to be taught.
Elders Gemar, Wayment, and McLawhorn dedicated their rap to President Felix.
The office reenacted their skit from Tuesday. We all enjoyed watching them.
Hermana Cortez sang Beautiful City with Elder Peterson accompanying.
Elder Kelly was the recepient of the onion this day. He didn't go for it though.
Elders Morby, Leckbee, and Richards are singing Stille Nacht. We loved their voices and their matching ties.
Elders Powell and McCurdy
According to Elder Harvey this is what you do in Canada - drink maple syrup. Santa drank one cup and Elder Harvey drank 3.
Elder Nielson is signing (ASL) while Hermana Anstee and Elder McLawhorn are singing Angels We Have Heard on High. Hermana Lethbridge is making the beat while Elders Avalos, Hiltscher, and Bates are background and showing a few dance moves.
Elder Peterson is playing Where Are You Christmas?
Elder Morgan was great in turning the pages of music.
We returned to the chapel to finish up with a more spiritual tone.
Sister Felix shared a story, a poem, and video about THE star.
President Felix concluded the day talking about our responsibility as representatives of Jesus Christ. He also showed a video of Elder Bruce R. McConkie talking on the divine sonship of Christ.
We had a wonderful time together as we enjoyed a fun and spiritual time.
As we were driving back to Ventura in bumper to bumper traffic, the assistants passed us. We started laughing so hard.

Sister Felix shared a story, a poem, and video about THE star.
President Felix concluded the day talking about our responsibility as representatives of Jesus Christ. He also showed a video of Elder Bruce R. McConkie talking on the divine sonship of Christ.
We had a wonderful time together as we enjoyed a fun and spiritual time.
As we were driving back to Ventura in bumper to bumper traffic, the assistants passed us. We started laughing so hard.